We are here. With you for the past thirty years and growing roots in the heart of Rosemere since 1995. People have been coming to us from all parts of a vast territory which greatly spans the Montreal North shore, east to west.
We thrive on satisfaction and that’s what fills our schedule on a daily basis but we can also count on the local medical community’s trust. Doctors, nurses and other medical practitioners regularly refer to us in cases of disorders they encounter that are functional and that do not require immediate medical assistance.
Our clientele is diversified and our team is able to address this diversity with great precision. There is an osteopath for everyone: infant, child, adult, any athlete, elderly person.
Our osteopaths are trained in Quebec and graduate from only the best schools. All osteopaths are members of Osteopathie Quebec. For more information, you may visit www.osteopathiequebec.ca. After each appointment, a receipt is emitted in osteopathy. AXÉ OSTÉO 321 Grande-Côte, Rosemère QC J7A 1J9P. 450 965-0555